Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page!

Adults working in Year 3 are:

Mrs Noble (Monday to Thursday)

Mrs Butterworth (Friday)

Our teaching assistant is Ms Nicoll (Tuesday am)

Mrs Secker takes Year 3 for Forest School on Wednesday morning.

School Council

Say hello to our Year 3 School Councillors - Asher and Phoebe! They were chosen by their classmates to represent Year 3 at School Council meetings. They are involved in making decisions to help make the school a happy place for everyone. They share the views of their classmates at the meetings and let us know what has been decided. They are doing a really good job! 

Summer 2


 Today the children were very excited as we were using iMovie to produce our very first book trailers! The children produced their trailers by using storyboards and choose the most appropriate trailer for their story. All the children loved editing their own trailers by importing the videos and photos they took last lesson and adding their own text. Here are a few examples of the fantastic work they produced!


Today, we started our work on book trailers. We began by reviewing other book trailers and discussing what their purpose was and how they entice people to read the books. We looked at how images, colour, music, sound effects and text were used before planning our own for our favourite books. The children are very excited for the challenge of making their own!


 Over the past few weeks, the children have been working hard to create their own ballad for the story ‘Soar’. They have had to think about an appropriate backing track, make their own lyrics to tell the story and add actions. This afternoon the children worked together to to perform their ballad. I think you’ll agree, you have some fantastic song writers in Year 3!


 In RE this half term, we are learning all about how people express themselves spirituality. Today we learnt how Muslims use Islamic pattens which are geometric and never ending just as Allah is believed to be. The children created some of their own Islamic tiles using contrasting colours. If you look closely you might also see some children have added slight imperfections. The children learnt that some Muslim artists do this as a sign to stay humble because they believe perfect things are only created by God. 


This week in French, we continued to learn how to say and read our different body parts in French. This week was a little different as we took our learning outside! The children worked in groups to draw around one of the members of their group and then worked together to label the different parts. The children worked fantastically in their teams.


 This half term, we are learning how to say the different body parts in French. The children have learnt lots of songs to help them learn. Here is one of their favourite songs that we’ve done so far.  


In Music this half term, we are learning all about ballads. We have learnt that ballads are very similar to poem as the often rhyme and tell a story. In our last lesson, we looked at how actions can impact a performance by learning the lyrics to the song 'Space Oddity' by David Bowie and working in groups to add actions.


Our final DT topic of the year was all about Structures. We looked carefully at a number of castles to find out about their specific features. We practised with some 3D shapes before designing and making our own. We also used 2d nets to create some 3D shapes to include alongside our junk materials.


Summer 1


As part of our writing lessons we have been learning how to write persuasive speeches. We linked our speeches to our history topic of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We were Anglo-Saxon leaders trying to persuade our people to fight against the Vikings. All our speeches were fantastic - here are just a few of them. Would they persuade you to fight for your freedom?


As part of our Anglo-Saxon and Vikings topic, we got active in our history lesson as we moved around the classroom finding out about Viking life. We sorted the facts into different areas of life including buildings, clothing, food and recreation.


In PE this half term, we have been improving our tennis skills. We learned how to position ourselves for forehand and backhands and worked in pairs to complete some rallies.


Our first DT topic this half term was Wearable Technology. We looked at examples of how wearable technology has changed over time. Then we learned how it can be used to keep children safe in the dark. We learned how to program microbits to make a flashing led icon which we then included in our design for a piece of wearable technology for young children. Here are some pictures and videos of us using the microbits. We loved them!


This half term, we are learning how to  be disciplined VikingsSo far we’ve worked together to perform the songDragon Ships’. The children worked really hard and enjoyed it so much they asked to perform it to another class


We have been learning all about fractions in our maths lessons. We used our knowledge of our times tables to help us find and match up equivalent fractions. 

Spring 2


Our geography topic this half term has been Land Use. We completed a fieldwork study to see how the land is used around our school. We mapped the physical and human features which we could see as we walked around the local area.


In PE we have been learning how to play the invasion game, handball. We used our knowledge from other invasion games to help us to attack and defend. We learned some of the rules of handball and finished the term by playing some 5-a-side games. 


Our art topic for the this term was Painting with Scissors. We looked at the Bayeux Tapestry for our inspiration. We looked at the shapes, lines and patterns within the tapestry and had a go at recreating them ourselves in our sketchbooks. Then we looked at the work of Henri Matisse and thought about how he had created his artwork by cutting and arranging paper. 
We created our own collages inspired by the Bayeux tapestry. Finally we used carbon paper to add texture to our artwork.

Red Nose Day

 It was lovely to see everyone dressed in red today to support Red Nose Day. 

World Book Day

We had a lovely day doing lots of book related activities. We shared our ‘egg’ book characters (which were all amazing as you can see!) and talked about our favourite books before creating posters to recommend them to other people. Then we watched a live World Book Day event all about creating a library. We linked our geography to our favourite books and drew a map of the places in one of our favourite books. Finally we looked around the brilliant book swap and chose two new books to take home. What a brilliant day!


In our English lessons we have been learning about free verse poetry. We looked at lots of free verse and talked about the different techniques used in writing this kind of poetry. We wrote our own free verse poetry all about emotions using lots of lovely imagery.  


Our DT lessons this half term have focused on seasonal food. We have found out about imports and exports. We discovered the fruits and vegetables we can grow in our country at different times of the year. We then designed our own seasonal vegetable tarts. We practised chopping our seasonal ingredients, cooked our tarts, tasted them and reviewed the taste of the finished products. Lots of us were surprised by how delicious they were!


We finished our topic about Animals including humans by investigating if the length of a person’s femur affected how far they could jump. First we predicted what we thought would happen.  We used our measuring skills from maths to help us measure our femurs and the length of our jumps. We talked about how to make sure our test was fair. 
We looked carefully at our results. Some of us found that the length of our jumps was not affected by the length of our femurs but other groups found that it did have an effect. We decided that we would need to test more people to really find out a reliable answer. 

Spring 1

Anglo-Saxon Day

Today we were really lucky to get a visit from Aelfled who told us all about the Anglo-Saxons. In the morning, we began by finding out more about the Anglo-Saxons by looking closely at some artefacts. We drew them carefully in our sketchbooks and then tried to work out what they were used for. We proved 29 brains were better than 3 by beating the teachers at this! Next we learned about runes and carved our own leather keyring. We finished the morning playing an Anglo-Saxon game. 
In the afternoon, we began by learning about Anglo-Saxon longhouses and designing our own. We especially enjoyed learning about the toilets! Then we had a look at weapons. We got to hold shields and swords and to try on helmets and armour. We practised being an Anglo-Saxon or Viking attacking army. Our war cries were pretty scary! We finished our day by playing a different game. We had such a busy day and learned so much. It was lots of fun too- as you can see from our photos and videos.

Blast from the Past

What a day we’ve had! Today, we have learnt all about the 90’s for ‘Blast from the Past’ day. We started our day reading about some of the key events from the 90’s and then went on to learn about some of the different genres which were popular in 90’s music. We listened to two popular songs from the 90’s and compared them. The children enjoyed this so much, we decided to learn the lyrics to Wonderwall.

This afternoon, we started by learning the dance to Macarena and then had some time to do our own research, finding out about popular toys, films, TV shows, foods, fashion, computer games and much more. We finished our day, using everything we had learnt, to make our own 90’s collages on the laptops. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed teaching it! Here is a snapshot of our day!



Our science topic this half term is Animals, including humans. We have been thinking about the food we eat and the kinds of nutrients they provide. We looked at food packaging to try and work out which were the healthiest for us. 


This half term in PE we are taking part in dance. Our first theme is machines. We looked at cogs, pistons and levers and worked out how to represent them through dance. Using a count of 8, we worked with a partner to put together our machine dance. 

D-side Visit

Hazel from D-side came to see us today to tell us all about the dangers of smoking. we learned about the law and smoking and the effects smoking can have on our bodies. We also learned  how to say no if someone tried to persuade us to try a cigarette. We were all very confident in saying no. 


This half term we are continuing our work on Scratch. Today, we had a very noisy lesson where the children began to look at how loops can be used in programs to help reduce the amount of code needed. I am very impressed with how all the children are becoming confident programmers. 

Autumn 2


 We practised our running stitch and cross stitch before designing our own special cushion. We cut out all our pieces, sewed on our appliqués and then joined all our pieces before stuffing our cushion. Lots of us found it tricky - especially threading the needle! We persevered and here are our brilliant finished products.  

La Nativite

This week, the children performed the nativity in French! I think they did a fantastic job and I hope you agree!

Jumper Day and Reindeer Run

Today, was a very exciting day indeed! The children looked fabulous in their Christmas clothes and enjoyed ‘helping Santa’ in the reindeer run to raise money for Wakefield Hospice. Everyone will sleep well tonight!


We have been learning about light in our science lessons. We were investigating shadows so we took advantage of a sunny day to go outside and see what we could discover.



It's December!

It is finally December, which only means one thing! Christmas is well and truly on it's way in Year 3! Today, we have started to learn how to sing Jingle Bells in French. Here is our first attempt! We will continue to practice over the next few weeks and hopefully we might get the chance to perform it!

Today in RE, we looked at what the word advent means and made our own advent to tell the Christmas story. The children did an amazing job and they can't wait to share their part on the run up to the big day! And finally, It wouldn't be December without the class tree! The children did a fantastic job of decorating it this afternoon! We are fully in the Christmas sprite now!

Children In Need 

It was lovely to see all the children dressed up in their spots and yellow today to support Children In Need. 


Today, we had our first French lesson with Bex. We learnt lots of new words through songs and actions. Here are a few example of what we learnt today. We can't wait for our next lesson!


In our Steps to Read lessons, we have been looking at poetry. We have talked about personification and the poet's choice of words. We have then thought about how to perform the poems effectively. We discussed intonation, rhythm, stress and volume. Here is our performance of Forces of Nature by Jane Goulbourne.

Autumn 1

Indian Music

This half term, we have started to learn about traditional Indian instruments and the key aspects of the music. Today, we had a go at improvising a rag in the style of traditional Indian music. Here are a few of our improvisations. 

Around the World Day

Today in Year 3, we were exploring the country of Japan. We began by using our geography and computing skills to find out where in the world Japan is. Then we completed a fact file full of interesting facts. 

We practised writing Japanese numbers from 1-10 and tried hard to learn the how to count in Japanese.

We also found out about the art of Origami and created our own origami bookmarks.

In the afternoon we learned all about the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, recorded our thoughts about her work and created our own art inspired by her dot work. 

We finished the day by sampling some Japanese food. Some of us particularly loved the sushi!

Diving Identification 

The children really enjoyed their lesson with the diving team this morning, exploring some of the different exercises they do. We even got to see one of them do a backflip!

Our visitors were very impressed with the children and mentioned how well everyone sat and listened. Well done Year 3!


This half term in Computing, we are learning about what's inside a computer. We have decomposed a laptop and learnt about what the different parts are called and what they do. 


In RE we are learning about what Christians believe to be a good life. So far we have looked at the bible and was lucky enough to have a visit from Reverend Sharon to tell us a little bit more about it. We never knew there were so many different versions! We have started to look at some of the parables in the bible. This week we learnt about The Parable Of The Sower. The children brought the parable to life by planting their own seeds in the same way the farmer did. We can't wait to see want happens!


We began investigating magnets. We found out they attract to some metals but not all metals. 


We have been revising the fundamental skills we learned in Key Stage 1. We have been thinking about how to use our bodies to produce long jumps. We thought about how important a good landing is and competed against ourselves to jump as far as we could. 


We worked together in groups to plan an investigation. We wanted to see if different surfaces affected how far a car could travel. We made our predictions and decided whether our results confirmed them. 


We have been learning how to greet our friends. Listen to some of our simple French conversations. 


In Art we are working with charcoal to produce different pieces of art. We tried out ways to use charcoal to produce different effects. We got a little bit messy!


In Science this term we have been finding out about forces and magnets. 
First we investigated how different objects can be moved using different forces, including push and pull.