
Blast from the Past!

Each class has explored a decade starting in Reception looking at 2020 to current date, Year One looked at 2010-2020, Year Two looking at 2000-2009, Year 3 looking at 1990-1999 and so on. We have had a fantastic time exploring music, culture, news, fashion and inventions of each decade in our classes, coming together to create a huge timeline of the 1960s-current date showing what we have learnt. 

Statement of Intent

At Hill Top Primary Academy, we shape our History curriculum to ensure it is fully inclusive and accessible to all pupils. Our aims are to fulfil the National Curriculum for History throughout all year groups; providing a broad and balanced curriculum which fully encompasses British Values, is differentiated and inspiring to all, and ensures progressive development of historical concepts, knowledge and skills.

Throughout our History curriculum we aim to inspire a curiosity and interest in Britain’s past and that of the wider world.

Our teaching equips pupils with an appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding ensuring that children have an understanding of our local area and Britain, and how our country has been impacted by the wider world. Through the use of practical activities such as fieldwork and educational visits, we aim to inspire and stimulate a curiosity of History which is developed both inside, and out of the classroom.



The curriculum is led by the National Curriculum to ensure all aspects, knowledge and skills if History are being taught across all year groups. We use progression grids to ensure there is clear skills, knowledge and vocabulary progression throughout school and this allows teachers opportunities to implement engaging, captivating and exciting elements to History lessons. We often invite outside visitors into school and use historical artefacts and workshops to excite and intrigue our children to find out more about events and people from the past. Our lessons stimulate an evolving sense of curiosity about the past and encourage children to think, reflect, debate, discuss and evaluate the past, through a wide range of sources.

Our History curriculum ensures that our children have a vast knowledge and understanding of historical events throughout, and beyond their lifetimes.

We use assessment for learning as well as ongoing assessment with formative assessment tools such as online quizzes and green-pen corrective work. When we begin a new Historical topic, Knowledge Harvests are completed by children prior to teaching in order to establish a clear base of understanding from which to start from. When concluding a topic, these Knowledge Harvests are then edited to show where knowledge has developed throughout the topic.

The teaching of History at Hill Top provides excellent knowledge and understanding of people, events and contexts from a range of historical periods, including significant events in Britain’s past and develops an ongoing ability to formulate and refine questions and lines of enquiry. We intend to provide all children, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, class, aptitude or disability, with a broad and balanced History curriculum.

Intended Impact

Children will:

  • be engaged, curious and resilient relishing the challenge and opportunities for fun that the History offers
  • be critical and analytical in their thinking, making informed and balanced judgements based on their knowledge of the past
  • be aware of how historical events have shaped the world today, including History at the local and wider level
  • develop enquiry skills to pursue and investigate their own interests within a topic
  • learn from visitors, workshops and educational visits to add to their learning.
  • be able to retain what they have learnt and explicitly make connections between prior and current learning
  • be able to articulate what they have learnt and describe significant periods, events and people from the past.



Long Term Plan