
Everyone at Hill Top Primary Academy is committed to promoting good attendance and punctuality.

Good attendance is important because pupils:

  • will find learning easier and make better progress both socially and academically;
  • will cope better with school routines, school work and friendships;
  • will find learning easier because they do not miss out;
  • are more successful moving between primary school, secondary school, higher education and employment or training;
  • are known to be safe and well by us.


All members of staff are made aware of how their role impacts on attendance and punctuality as well as the expectations of them in ensuring consistent application of the policy, and the use of absence codes. Hill Top Primary Academy will support pupils and parents/carers to achieve good attendance and punctuality, working closely with parents/ carers where absence is a cause for concern.

Hill Top Primary Academy strives for 100% attendance for all attendance above 96% is deemed as good attendance. Research shows a direct link between high attendance and doing well at school. All children have the right to an education.

Promoting good attendance is a whole school responsibility. The Attendance Team oversee that the procedures outlined in this policy are in place and being followed so that we are safeguarding pupils and they come to school regularly. 




Doors open:                                   8.45am

School starts:                                 8.55am

Morning register closes:                 9.00am (9.05am from September 2024)

Time pupils are marked as late:     9.06am

Afternoon register closes:              1.00pm

School ends:                                  3.15pm


Length of the school week of 32.5 hours.


If your child is not well enough to attend school please contact school on the first day of absence by 9.00 am.

We need to know if your child is absent each day by 9am and the details as to the reason why. We ask parents to telephone the school on 0113 3074750. Further details may be requested if the reason provided is brief.

If your child has a medical appointment please inform school in advance and provide a copy of their appointment.

The school holidays are published in advance and are on our website under the tab Parents - Term Dates. Please make arrangements to take family holidays within these dates.

If you wish your child to be excused from school you should request permission by completing a Leave of Absence form, available from the Office, giving a reason for the request.  The Principal will complete the LOA form letting you know if the absence will be authorised or unauthorised.

Click here for a Leave of Absence Form



As well as having good attendance, arriving at school on time is also extremely important. Being continually late can have a detrimental effect on your child’s education as they can miss important learning and this can affect their well being both in the short term and long term.


Minutes late each day

Number of days of education lost over a year

5 minutes

3.4 days

10 minutes

6.9 days

15 minutes

10.3 days

20 minutes

13.8 days

30 minutes

20.7 days


Attendance Rewards

To be shared soon




Role/Department                                               Name and role                    Contact details

SLT member responsible for attendance:           Joanne Lancaster       

                                                                            Principal                                0113 3074750

Administration Team Contact:                             Lindsay Richmond      

                                                                            Attendance Officer                0113 3074750

Governor responsible for attendance:                Revd. Sharon Wilkinson

                                                                                                                          0113 3074750

Leodis Family Support Worker:                          Miss N Power               

                                                                                                                          0113 887 3618

LSS Cluster Co-ordinator:                                  Mrs V Hayden               

                                                                                                                          0113 887 3609