

Statement of Intent

At Hill Top Primary Academy, our aim is to promote a lifelong love for learning and the enjoyment of arts and culture through a wide range of experiences and opportunities. We believe that a high-quality art and design education should develop creativity while engaging, inspiring and challenging all pupils.  Children will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design – expressing their individual interests, thought and ideas. They will be introduced to a range of works of art and artists and will be encouraged to investigate the different styles and vocabulary used by famous artists from all cultures. We want the children in our school to be excited about being creative in an inclusive and non-judgmental environment.

‘Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else.’ Sydney Gurewitz Clemens (Consultant in Early Childhood Education)


The teaching of the Art and Design curriculum at Hill Top Primary Academy is based upon the 2014 Primary National Curriculum in England, which provides a broad balanced framework and outlines the knowledge and skills to be taught in each Key Stage. Teachers plan lessons for their class using the Access Art Split Curriculum planning pathways and our accompanying progression of knowledge and skills documents. Each year group covers a half term each on Drawing and Sketchbooks, Surface and Colour and Working in 3 Dimensions. The progression document ensures the curriculum is covered effectively and the skills and knowledge taught are progressive from year group to year group.

From Year 2, Art is taught in hourly/two hourly blocks for a minimum of 3 half terms per year group. This allows the children to become fully immersed in the Art curriculum and gives them time to build on their knowledge and skills from previous year groups. It also ensures that Art and Design is given a similar status to core subjects and allows children to gain from ‘real life’ experiences. In Year1 and EYFS, Art is topic linked where appropriate.

Each child in Key Stage 1 and 2 has their own sketchbook. We believe children should take ownership of their sketchbook in order to foster their own sense of creativity. Children use their sketchbooks to make initial sketches, develop skills, record ideas and express their own opinions on the art and artists they study.

Children showing aptitude in Art and Design are celebrated in weekly celebration assemblies. Examples of Artwork are displayed around school and students have the opportunity to take part in local competitions. Staff make use of our outside areas when planning art activities and Art plays a regular part in the Year 3 experience of Forest School.

The children's learning is further enhanced with a whole school Arts Week in the spring term where the children have the opportunity to explore the different styles and techniques of a range of artists; local, national and international.

We are in the process of developing links with outside Arts based agencies in the local area. Staff are encouraged to plan trips to local Art galleries and museums and to invite in visitors as appropriate.

Intended Impact

Children will:

  • learn about, improve on and embed a range of artistic skills
  • have an awareness of a broad range of artists and craftspeople
  • be able to consider, discuss and have opinions on the artworks they are introduced to
  • be confident to explore new techniques
  • be willing to experiment and take risks in their own art
  • value the journey and process as well as their finished products
  • have found a creative outlet they enjoy 
  • be able to use art as a means of self-expression

Year 1 visit to The Hepworth, Wakefield

 Following their sculpture work in the Art unit, Making Birds, Year One recently visited The Hepworth in Wakefield. They were able to explore the work of Barbara Hepworth and took part in an artist-led workshop, drawing sculptures in a variety of media. Alongside their fantastic behaviour, their knowledge and enthusiasm for art was spotted by lots of the adults they worked with. Everyone had a fabulous day!