


Welcome to our Nursery page. Here you will find information about what the children have been learning each week. Please have a look at the photographs to see everything we have been up to. 

The adults in Nursery are: Mrs Secker (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Mrs Salter ( Wednesday ), Miss Whiteley (every day) and Mrs Marshall (every lunchtime).


We have started our new story theme - The beach and the ocean. 
Lots of children have shared their own beach experiences on Tapestry and we have been talking lots about those. 
We have read Rainbow fish and have been exploring the themes for sharing as well as using it for inspiration for our pictures and paintings.

We have a new amazing sand pit that we have all been using for lots of science, maths and creative learning. 

We are learning lots of Makaton signs for ocean animals and have been learning lots of songs. 

We are reading the Snail and The whale. We have been making spirals in Squiggle whilst you wiggle and we have been observing a real snail outside and discussing new vocabulary. We can all slither like snails. 

We have been to the school forest and have been investigating other creatures. We also picked, washed and ate the lettuce that the Year 3 children planted.

We had a great time at sports day!  



We have been looking at Jack and the Beanstalk and in music, we made some calm harp music using gentle sounds to make the giant go to sleep.


We have been to the school Forest and have been exploring plants and insects and nature.

We watered some vegetables and fruit trees and discussed what they were called and what we noticed about them.


We have started reading Mabel’s magical garden and thinking about growing seeds. We have planted some sunflower seeds and next week we will plant some wildflower seeds. 

We are looking at subsidising to 5 in maths and using five frames to see what we notice. 



We are looking at lots of books about growing plants and flowers over the next few weeks. We are talking about what flowers we are noticing outside and learning some new plant names. 

We are reading Jaspers Beanstalk and we have been thinking about what happens to a bean as it grows. We have ‘planted’ some on paper towels in the window to see if they grow roots and a stem. 

We are exploring numbers to 5 and can saw how they are made up.

We are singing lots of songs and doing lots of rhyming, we can clap syllables in lots of words and are recognising initial sounds of lots of words too. 

We have welcomed new friends to nursery and the existing children have done a brilliant job of helping them to settle in and show them the ropes. 
Some of our children celebrated Eid at home and they have showed us some pictures on Tapestry and told us how they celebrated, 


We have started our new book ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and we are talking about life cycles. 

We have some real caterpillars to observe and we have been prediction what might happen to them.

We have been exploring capacity in maths and we can say when things are full and empty and which holds the most water.

We did a brilliant job of looking after our butterflies and we released the, to their natural environment. 

We celebrated Easter by doing an Easter egg hunt and talking about how some fam8lies celebrate at home. 



We have been looking hard for signs of spring. We have been singing songs and reading books about what we can notice in spring. We are noticing lots of those things at school and on our walks to school or out and about with our families. 


We have started our new book 'Monkey puzzle' We can sign lots of the animals and talk about what we enjoyed in the story. We noticed that some animal babies look like their mother and some don't. We were able to match animal baby pictures with the mummy. We have started talking about the names for some animal babies. We know: chick, puppy, kitten, calf, lamb, foal and kid. In the story, the butterflies babies are very different to her. We have started to talk about this and we have a very exciting package arriving next week...We are wondering what might be inside it! 


We have been noticing the weather and exploring the snow, wind and rain, as well as the lovely bright sunshine. We have even spotted some rainbows.



We have had a lovely first couple of weeks back.


We have started reading ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’ we can makaton sign all of the characters, fox, owl, snake and mouse. We also know the signs for snow. 
We have been learning some winter songs too.

We have started to think about long and short and the children are using mathematical language to describe the size and length of things.

 We have been exploring ice outside and watching our breath in the air. We are noticing lots about the season. 

Our library visits have restarted and the children are enjoying reading their books. We are learning about rhyming words. 

Dough disco is really helping to develop the children’s fine motor skills ready for writing. 

 We have been learning about garden birds. We know the names of many different ones, including magpies, sparrows, blackbirds and blue-tits. We know that they need shelter and food but in the winter it is hard for them to find it so we can help by putting out food and water. We made bird feeders and hung them around in safe places. We went out bird spotting and used our binoculars. We have also made bird feeders and hung them in the trees.

We have also been busy learning about the number four and listening to the sounds that we can hear at the beginning of words. Eye-spy is a great game to play. 

As usual, the children have been very creative in their play and we have been thinking a lot about looking after the classroom and each other by tidying up and showing kindness to our friends. 

We have been reading owl babies and have learnt lots of owl facts. We know what they eat, where they live and when they sleep. We can also retell the story!

Week beginning 4th December 

We have been working hard on our Christmas singing and signing. We have been doing our own amazing decorating and re decorating. 

We have made a big post box to post any Christmas cards or letters to Santa that we write.

We have been exploring triangles and their properties too. 

Week beginning 27th November 

We have continued exploring circles this week.

We have also been thinking about animal habitats and shelters. We talked about which animals lived on the ground and which lived under. We made a special tree house shelter for them all - just like Percy in the story.

We have been exploring ice outside and observing what happened to it in the sun.

We had a big pretend sleepover with snuggly blankets and pillows in the dark. Lots of children took turns reading bedtime stories.

We have also been starting to learn our Christmas songs and all of the Makaton signs to go with them. 

Week beginning 20th November 

We have started the book ‘After the storm’ this week. We have talked about oak leaves and acorns and woodland creatures and where they live.

We have been e poring circles and where we can spot them. We talked about them having a curved line round the outside and that they don’t have any straight sides or pointy corners.

We have been creating obstacle courses outside and demonstrating excellent balance. 

Week Beginning 13th November 


This week, we have been learning about Remembrance Day, 

We looked at poppy pictures and made some poppy biscuits. We talked about wearing poppies to say thank you to the soldiers. We watched the king in the Remembrance Day parade and made poppies from pipe cleaners and tissue. We also planted som poppy seeds and we will watch them grow, 

We have continued looking at the number 3 in maths and we can make it in different ways on shuffle boards and our fingers. We are beginning to recognise whether something is more or less than 3. 

We have also been exploring things that are stretchy and not stretchy after reading a story about a stretchy jumper. Some brilliant science learning. 
We have continued to talk about what we notice in Autumn. We have explored this windy weather by throwing leaves and watching them blow across the sky!

We have also been working very hard on tidying up and how to care for our belongings. We have taken some pictures of how things should look when we are tidying. The children have been working hard to make it look like the pictures when they tidy!

On Friday we celebrated Children In Need Day and we talked about how lucky we are to have family to love us and toys to play with. We had lots of fun dancing and making Pudsey biscuits. 

Week beginning 6th November 

This week, we have been sharing our half term news and talking about how we celebrated Halloween and bonfire night. We have made some lovely firework pictures with chalk and paint.
We have been talking about how some people celebrate Diwali. We have been dancing a Diwali dance and making lots of colourful bright pictures that look like fireworks. We have also been singing a Diwali song. Towards the end of the week, we even did Diwali yoga and we had to balance and stretch whilst listening to some beautiful music.

We have welcomed new children and we are all showing what kind friends we can be.

We have been thinking about families and we have learnt that all families are different. 

Our Squiggle Whilst We Wiggle move this week was ‘circles’. This helps us to get ready to write letters such as c, o, a, d and g when we are ready. 

Week Beginning 23rd October

This week, we have been reading ‘Room on the Broom’.

We went to the school forest to read the story and find wands and make potions. On the way, we saw lots of spider webs with rain on them. We were breathing other dragon breath like the dragon in the story. 

We have also been making lots of potions and spells and decorating our wands.

We have been drawing spiders and webs too. 

Week beginning 15th October 

This week, the whole school had an around the world day. In Nursery, we looked at a globe and google earth. One of the children said, “We live on there!” Lots of children thought it was the moon. We talked about the earth. We talked about there being lots of different countries. The children knew some from their Holidays. They knew: Greece, Dubai, Turkey, Mexico and the North Pole. 
We talked about travelling the world on aeroplanes and boats and trains. We have been making train tracks and watching the planes and helicopters in the sky and wondering where they could be going. 
We have also been singing ‘Papa Alpaca’, a song about an alpaca who visits lots of countries around the world.


We have also been very busy exploring and mark making and gardening as usual too!


We have started looking at the number two and thinking about how to put it on a five frame. We can show 2 objects and 2 on our hands too. We can play 2 and not 2. 

Some children have been showing us how well they can get changed all by themselves and even undo their buttons. 

The children had great fun playing hide and seek and splashing in the puddles on a very wet rainy day. 



Week beginning 8th October

We have been making autumn soup this week. The children chose to fill the water tray with water and leaves and they stirred them with with lots of different tools. 

We have been continuing our work on the number one. We can put one on a five frame. Recognise and choose one object, say if something is one or not one and circle groups of one on paper. 

We have started a new farm book, ‘What the ladybird heard’. We have been exploring the story and talking about her main events. Some children drew their own maps and made ladybird hats.

We have been exploring different musical instruments and copying pattens using body percussion. 

As the weather turned wet, we needed to wear our puddle suits. Some of us can put them on all by ourselves and some are just learning but it is easier with a little help from our friends. 



Week beginning 1st October 


This week, we have been talking lots about autumn. We have been singing autumn songs and thinking about what we notice all around us.


We have also started looking at the number 1. We have been recognising 1 object and putting 1 on a 5 frame. The children have been bringing us 1 object to show. 

We enjoyed our weekly trip to the library and some children read their books with their friends. 


Week beginning 24th September 


This week we have started out new story, ‘The scarecrow’s hat’. 
We have been dancing and singing to Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow and have made some real scarecrows and faces.  
We have welcomed new children and are all being brilliant friends. 
As usual, we are very busy in the home corner and have been doing lots of painting. 
We have been using instruments to play along to our favourite songs too! 
This week we introduced all the new children to Dough Disco. It is great for helping to develop the muscles in our hands in preparation for writing. 

Week beginning 17th September 

We have been learning lots of farm Makaton signs this week. We have retold the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ and can say all of the repeated lines of the story. We have been learning lots of new songs too. We are becoming so much more independent and are learning all of the routines. In maths, we have been having a go at repeating patterns.

We have also been to our school ‘orchard’ and picked some juicy red apples. We washed them and the grown ups chipped them, then we ate them. They were delicious! 

Every week we practice Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle. This is great fun and helps us to develop our muscles ready for writing. This week we practised going up and down with our two hands at the same time to make vertical marks. 
Some of us have been doing lots of writing independently this week. 

As it was windy, lots of children wanted to make kites. It takes a lot of skill to cut the string and find the end of the sellotape. It was hard work but lots of fun in the end. 

 Week beginning 11th September

This week the children have enjoyed reading ‘The Little Red Hen’. In provision, we have played with the farm animals and made our own farms. We have also been listening to the sounds that the animals make and we are really good at identifying them from their sounds. Our maths focus this week has been ‘sorting’. We learnt that objects can be sorted in many different ways, including colour, size, shape and material. 




Week beginning 4th September 


What a lovely first week! We have all been settling in brilliantly and learning lots of new skills. We have been playing together, learning how to tidy up and being very independent with our food and clothing.