Year 5


The adults in Year 5 this year are Miss Parkinson, Miss Spencer and Miss Colquhoun (Fri pm).

Living Things and their Habitats

The children produced some outstanding reports about reproduction in animals and plants. They really enjoyed including sketches to add interest for the reader.

In Art, Year 5 loved learning about typography and creating their own letters of a typeface. Some went on to develop whole words.

In Art, the children explored the idea of making their drawings more visually powerful. They created grids on their large pieces of paper and placed different types of paper on these as backgrounds. They then had to draw a large image and consider the technique they needed to use for each section; for example, a section with a complex background may require thicker pencil strokes whereas another background may need faint, delicate lines.

In Science this half term, Year 5 are learning about living things and their habitats. Here is a knowledge organiser outlining some key information and vocabulary they will need for the topic:

In Maths, we have been learning about angles. The children had great fun completing this activity, using their knowledge of angles on straight lines, in shapes and around a point to calculate the various missing angles.

The children have written some wonderful non-chronological reports about biomes which they have learned about in their geography lessons.


Year 5 had a wonderful time visiting Lineham Farm. They completed lots of activities including cycling, climbing, bushcraft, Lineham Explorers and archery. They were incredibly supportive of one another and really challenged themselves to attempt all the activities - even when they found them quite daunting. The Lineham staff were very impressed with their behaviour, commenting on how polite they all were. It was a brilliant week and we are really proud of them all.

To complete our history topic about Ancient Greece, Year 5 created non-chronological reports. They used the app 'Keynote' and learnt how to insert links. They have been converted into videos for you to watch.

Science Week 2022

The theme for Science Week this year was 'growth' and Year 5 had lots of fun investigating the trees around our school. They investigated the statement, 'the larger the circumference, the taller the tree' and discovered some surprising results.

Space Explorers

In Computing, the children used the app 'Keynote' to design their own alien. This was a great way to learn how to use formatting tools.

Year 5 had fun becoming the character of Jamie from our class novel, 'The Jamie Drake Equation'. They scripted and recorded a video message to send to Jamie's father who is an astronaut in space. They used informal language and thought about the gestures, body movements and facial expressions the character might make.

In Science, Year 5 have been learning about the phases of the Moon. They enjoyed presenting their learning using Oreos.

In English, Year 5 wrote non-chronological reports about space. After editing their writing, they joined teams to present their work on a large scale.

In Science, the children enjoyed finding out about the planets in our solar system. They were given the challenge to draw each one to scale and then work out the relative distances from the Sun.

In English, we have started reading The Jamie Drake Equation by Christopher Edge. The children are loving it so far and really keen to read on to find out what happens.

To begin our Science topic, the children learnt about nebulae, which are clouds of dust and gas in space. They looked at how nebulae could be formed. They then enjoyed creating their own pieces of artwork.

Being Human

In Science, the children created videos to demonstrate their understanding of the circulatory system.

In Science, Year 5 made working models of the heart to explore the science involved in the process. They explored how blood flows in one direction through the heart chambers, and acted as the valves by pinching the straws.

In Science, the children were challenged with creating short videos to demonstrate their knowledge of different systems in the human body. They used an app on the iPad called 'Clips' to create their videos.

Entry Point:

Making New Materials

Exit Point:

In Science, the children used their knowledge of materials to make some play dough. They were then challenged to write a set of instructions for their creations.

In English, the children were challenged to write and present a persuasive speech to convince our 'Sorting Hat' to place them in their desired Hogwarts house. They had to explain what traits they possess and how that would make them a desirable candidate for their chosen house. They had lots of fun and couldn't wait for the results.

Here are the fantastic newspaper articles Year 5 have written about an attempted break in at the wizarding bank, Gringotts. They worked extremely hard to include the key features of a newspaper report: interesting headlines, direct and reported speech and formal language.

In English, we were very lucky to be visited by Professor Albus Dumbledore, himself. The children interviewed him for their newspaper articles.

In Science, the children investigated which materials could be separated by sieving, filtering or evaporating. They then had to draw conclusions based on their knowledge of the properties of materials.

In Science, we carried out an experiment to see which material melted the quickest. The children made their own predictions based on their knowledge of materials. They also ensured the test was fair by keeping variables the same: the amount and temperature of water; the size of the materials; and the size of the container. They then placed their material in a foil cup and timed how long each one took to melt.


During this topic, we learned all about memory and different strategies we could use in our learning to help us remember things. We finished by creating our own memory games.

Exit Point

For our exit point, we created our own pieces of artwork based on the book 'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse' by Charlie Mackesy. The children were brilliant and were really thoughtful when thinking of their own quotes based on having a growth mindset.

Year 5 Curriculum Map:

Please view the Year 5 information video below:

Key Stage Two Sports Day

The children thoroughly enjoyed Sports Day and showed great sportsmanship. All tried their best in every race and had fun. The sun even made an appearance for us!


Year 5 enjoyed their visit from D-Side, learning about alcohol and its effects on the body. They took part in role plays and tried on some glasses which demonstrated how much a person's vision can become impaired with too much alcohol.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

On Friday 27th May, our school celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We had spent the week exploring the 2010s decade, finding out about key events that had taken place. We also wrote newspaper reports based on the animation 'Jubilee' which told the story of the queen's hat getting lost around London.

Finally, on the Friday Year 5 decorated tiles as part of a whole-school piece of artwork. They included images, words and symbols relating to the queen. We then spent the afternoon taking part in activities which were run by the Woodkirk Sports Leaders, followed by a party on the field. It was great fun!

On Friday 18th March, we showed our support for the Ukraine by wearing yellow and blue. We also created our own sunflowers using a  pointilism technique.

World Book Day 2022

Year 5 had a brilliant day celebrating their love of reading. They really enjoyed their workshop with 'Bookman' and also took part in a virtual webinar with the author, Emma Carroll who spoke about her latest book.

Reindeer Run

Everyone loved taking part in the Reindeer Run, especially when they were joined by a special person.

Black History Month

Year 5 learned about a range of influential musicians who overcame difficulties in their careers and given back to their communities. They then researched and presented information about some of their personal role models in the industry.

PE: Dance

The children have been learning all about the intimidating ritual of the Haka. In groups, they choreographed their own versions to perform. 

Music: Cello and Viola Lessons

The children are really enjoying their Strings lessons so far. They are each trying out the cello and viola to see which they prefer. So far, they have learned to hold and pluck the instruments correctly, as well as hold and use the bow which can be quite tricky.


Year 5 really enjoyed having a visitor in from D-Side who spoke to them about online safety, particularly how to keep safe when using social media. They then completed some follow up work later in the afternoon.