Y6 Fairgrounds

Thank you to all our parents for visiting today. We loved sharing our work and investigations with you all.


Our Fairgrounds IPC topic looks at forces and how they effect and support fairground rides.

We have carried out some investigations to look at factors that effect gravity.





 Topic Planner


Pobblers of the Week:

Rebekah and Alexie

Ethan and Willow

Jamie and Lucy

Keirah and Maisie

Ewan and Mckenzie

Bremner and Sophie D




Problem solving through algebra.


Watch the videos below showing where children choreographed their balances into a final piece. The audience had to observe each others performance and share what they found to be successful and points children could improve on.

We worked in pairs using the strength in our bodies to perform a series of balances. We had to think about our weight distribution, how our bodies were supported and the exact positioning of our hands and feet.

This half term we are developing the ability to combine and perform different moves and balances together on the floor effectively.