Our entry point was to make a fairground ride!

Labeling forces acting when a ball is thrown in the air. 


Air friction

Upwards push

Investigating how friction affects the movement of a car!

Our investigation about friction and the speed of cars. 


This investigation was to see if the height of the slope on each side affected how far the marble traveled through the tube.

We designed a roller coaster using what we had learned about forces. 

Try it yourself using this website.


Our topic homework was to find about Sir Isaac Newton and why he was so important.

Investigating weight and mass.

Some of the parents from year 5 and 6 came to see what we have been up to in our 'Fairgrounds' topic.

We designed and carried out our own investigation about magnets. 

We investigated circuits.

First we made a circuit with one bulb, one cell and a switch.

Then we made two bulbs, one cell and one switch. We noticed the bulbs were dimmer. 

We used two cells and two bulbs and they were as bright as one cell and one bulb.

Next we noticed that if one bulb broke then the other wouldn't work as the circuit was broken. We made parallel circuits and one bulb worked even if one was broken.


Investigating sound

We have carried out an investigation about light and we have labelled and explained how they eye works.

We designed, made and evaluated a fairground attraction that included magnets or electricity. 

We made a fairground bumper car and tested them. Some of us used a motor and a propeller and some of us used a motor and an electric band around the wheels. 

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