Reception Spring 2

Coming soon...

We have had such a busy half term in our class! Our topics have included South Africa, Money, plants and many more! Have a look at what we have been doing!

We learnt all about South Africa during our topic. We found out facts about the country, animals, weather and much more! Have a look below at some of our super research!
We learnt all about South Africa during our topic. We found out facts about the country, animals, weather and much more! Have a look below at some of our super research!

In Maths, we have been investigating the value of money. We looked at different coins and their value and used them in our Garden shop! We also did lots of problem solving; finding different ways to pay for items using different coins. 

We have been watching our plants grow in our outside area for some time now. We have been measuring them; finding the tallest, shortest and recording our findings. We have also learnt what plants need to grow and lots of us have been caring for them independently! We did some observational drawings of different plants and labelled the different parts. Have a look below at some of our fabulous art work!

We have done lots of work on counting! We have learnt to count in tens by heart and found lots of number bonds to 10!